Starting a Business

This page shows information about starting a business across the UK.

Last Updated: 4-7-2023

Set up a business in the UK

If you are looking for an opportunity to start your business in the UK, please visit the following GOV.UK website to understand what may concern you:

National Insurance (NI) number

No matter which form of legal entity you are going to set up, such as a sole trader or a limited company, you need to apply for your NI number for legal and/or administrative purposes.

Local business support

There are various free resources from GOV.UK and not-for-profit organisation(s) in your local area.

Hongkongese / Cantonese support service

If you are looking for Hongkongese / Cantonese services, you can visit the website of Hong Kong Business Hub to understand what they can offer for you. They have also set up a YouTube channel with videos of sharing from various entrepreneurs, which may be helpful for you.

Important tools and calculators

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) provides a wide range of tools and calculators which are important for you to calculate taxes such as income tax, VAT and NI. They also provide free Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tool for small business.

Hiring a staff member

If your business is growing and you would like to hire employees, you may wish to know what you should do before your first move, and what the usual offer in the UK job market is. You can look up such information from GOV.UK and National Careers Service by searching the relevant job title:

Workplace pension

Your employee(s) may become eligible for workplace pension. Please read through the following website to understand legal requirements of employers.

ACAS – Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service

Whether you are an employee or an employer, you may need support regarding employment issues, including:

  • Employment rights
  • Rules
  • Best practice
  • Templates of letters, forms and policy documents
  • Dispute resolution services
  • Training

You can find relevant free services and resources from ACAS on their website.


The Federation of Small Business (fsb)

For professional taxation advice in the UK, please refer to the following link of a third party (in Hongkongese / Cantonese only).

(Greater Manchester) Growth Company Business Growth Hub for Employers

Greater Manchester Combined Authority is in partnership with Growth Company (GC). This GC Business Growth Hub support businesses at all stages of their growth journey with their broad range of services. They offer expert one-to-one and peer-to-peer business support, events, specialist programmes, funding and much more. Their dedicated Coronavirus business support site keeps you up to date with the latest information and government guidance. As well as offering you tailored support for your business. 

Please click here for details.

(Manchester) Starting a business in Manchester

Manchester City Council provides essential information about starting a business in Manchester.

Please click here for details.
